Comparison Between Company Act 1956 and Company Act 2013

Comparison Between Company Act 1956 and Company Act 2013

Sr. No.Subject matterOld provision in the Companies Act,1956Corresponding new provision in the Companies Bill,2011
1.CompositionContains 658 sections and 15 schedules
Contains 29 chapters with 470 clauses and with 7 schedules.
2.DefinitionsSection 2 Contains 67 definitionsClause 2 of elephant size contains 95 definitions. The additional definitions not included in section 2 are:
Auditing Standards; Associate Company; Chief Executive Officer; Chief Financial Officer; Company Liquidator; Called up capital; Company limited by shares; Company limited by guarantee; Control; Employees’ Stock Option; Financial Statement; Financial Year; Global Depository Receipt; Independent Director; Interested Director; Indian Depository Receipt; Issued capital; Financial statement; Key Managerial Personnel ;( Whole-time director’ has been included in the definition of the term ‘key managerial personnel’) One Person Company; Promoter; Remuneration; Small Company;
Sweat equity shares;
   Unlimited company;
Definition of Private Company
Restricts the maximum number of members to 50To restrict the maximum number of members to 200
4.Definition of Public Company.Considers a private company which is a subsidiary of a public company as a public company.
Further enhanced to provide that a private subsidiary of a public company deemed to be a public company even though the subsidiary continues to be a private company in the articles.
5.Definition of Financial Year.Financial year not defined in section 2Defined in clause 2(41) as under: Financial year as defined in clause 2(41) requires Company or body corporate to adopt uniform financial year of 1st  April to 31st  March every year except in certain exceptional cases. Existing Companies not adopting 1 April to 31 March as financial year for Companies Act purposes to align themselves with 1 April-31 March within two years of commencement of the Companies Act, 2012.
6.Types of Company that can be formedPublic Company or Private Company which can be limited by shares/limited by guarantee or unlimited company.
Besides Public and Private Company, clause 3 also provides for One Person Company as a Private Company.
7.One Person Company(OPC)-clause 3Such a concept was absent hitherto.OPC can be formed.
8.Mandatory contents of the MemorandumFive clauses were mandatory:
Name Clause; Registered office Clause;
Objects divisible into:
Main Objects; Objects ancillary or incidental to the Main Objects;
Other Objects; Liability Clause; Capital Clause
Same except that no classification required for the object clause into Main objects, incidental/ancillary objects, other objects. As a result of the above, section 149(2A) and 149(2B) of the Companies Act is no longer applicable.
9.Reservation of name for proposed Company-procedural aspects-clause 4(4) and 4(5)  
Procedural aspects not covered.Provides for making an application for reservation of new name or change of name of an existing company to the ROC on payment of prescribed fees.
10.Penalty for obtaining name by providing wrong or incorrect information

No recourse provided  
If company is not incorporated, reserved name shall be cancelled after imposing a penalty not exceeding Rs. 100,000; and If Company is incorporated the ROC may : Give direction to change name within 3 months by passing ordinary resolution or Make a petition for winding up of the company. 
11.Entrenchment provisions in Articles. Clause 5
No such provision existed
Articles may provide for more stringent or restrictive procedure than passing of special resolution for altering certain provisions of the AoA (like a provision can be altered only if agreed to by all the members of the company in writing).
12.Formats of articles of association.
Table A - AoA of Company limited by shares. Table B-MoA of Company limited by shares. Table C-MAA of Company limited by Guarantee and not having a share capital Table D-MAA of Company limited by Guarantee and  having a share capital Table E-MAA of an Unlimited Company
Table F-Company limited by Shares. Table G-Company limited by Guarantee and having share capital. Table H-Company limited by Guarantee and not having share capital. Table I-Unlimited Company having share capital. Table J-Unlimited Company not having share capital. 
13.Incorporation of a Company.-clause 7
Certificate of Incorporation to be conclusive evidence
Action can be taken even after incorporation if incorporation is on the basis of false or incorrect incorporation. Thus Certificate of Incorporation is not treated as conclusive evidence.
14.Formation of Companies with Charitable objects.-clause 8
Section 25 Company. Did not specifically provide for sports, education, research, social welfare and environment protection. Could be only by way of a public or private company. Max. action that can be taken by Central Government (CG) was revocation of license and that too only for violation of any terms of the license.
Specifically provides for all these words. Could be as a OPC or an Association of Persons (AOP). Action besides revocation can be direction for winding up of the Company or amalgamation with another company registered with same objects. Provides for additional grounds for revocation like affairs being conducted fraudulently or prejudicial to public interest. 



Sector & Course Details
Job Roles
Fees to be deposited at SIOE for Registration & Assessment
After this step, candidate undergoes the training & appears for third party assessment. If candidate fails in third party assessment, he gets a regular certificate from AISECT based in CRF and the Process ends here
If candidate passes the third party assessment successfully he will get Reward and Certificate.


IT/ITes Sector Skills Council
1. Domestic- Voice
Any PG
2. Domestic- Non Voice
Any PG
3. Domestic Data Entry Operator
Dip. In Computer Sci./Techno.
4. Domestic Bio-Metric Operator
Dip. In Computer Sci./Techno.
5. Domestic IT Helpdesk Attendant
Any PG
Automotive Skills Development Council  (ASDC)6. Automotive Service Technician
10th / ITI in Automobile
Dip. in Automotive Repair
7. Machining Assistant
Class 8 pass
BFSI Sector Skill Council of India (BFSI)
8. Business Correspondent & Facilitator
Class 10
Agriculture Sector Skill Council of India (ASCI)
9. Banana Farmer
No Entry Level Barrier
10. Gardener
5th Standard
11. Micro Irrigation Technician
8th Standard Appeared orPassed
12. Tractor Operator
10th Standard Appeared or Passed
Retailers Association’s Skill Council of India (RASCI)
13.Trainee Associate
10th Pass
14. Cashier
15. Sales Associate
10th Pass
Telecom Sector Skill Council
16. Customer Care Executive (Call Centre)
10+2 or equivalent
Graduate in any Stream
17. Sales Executive (Broadband)
Graduate in any stream
MBA in Sales



STAR SCHEME stand for = Standard Training Assessment Reward
The scheme has been launched by Ministry of Finance, Government of India and driven by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) through its training partners and assessment partners.
Eligibility criteria:
1. Any candidate of Indian nationality
2. Above 18 years of age, who undergoes skill development training in an eligible sector by an eligible training provider.
The Minimum / Maximum Duration of Training:-
1. The minimum / maximum duration of trainingis 1 month. However, a branch manager can extend it based on his judgment of student ability to clear the assessment.
2. There is no restriction on the minimum hours of training per day as long as the student is well versed with the content of the assessment.
Upon successfully qualifying the exam, the candidate will be provided with the following:-
1) Grant Money.
2) A secure certificate with the logo of Government of India, the Sector Skill Council and the Training partner will be provided.
3) GOI, SSC and Training partner certificate which will be specifically recognized for jobs.
4) The certification is viewed very positively by the industry and will boost the prospects of the candidate.
5) The scheme can be availed by any person fulfilling the above mentioned eligibility criteria, therefore working employees or government employees can also avail this scheme.

Instructions to Become a Licensed IATA Travel Agent

Instructions to Become a Licensed IATA Travel Agent

Produce proof that you are working for a legally registered travel agency, or if you work independently, that your business is legal. Submit all relevant business licenses, tax forms and insurance records. Include documentation of all local and state licensing.
Provide financial records showing the fiscal solvency of your travel agency. Bring a copy of all bank transactions, organized neatly and in chronological order. Make a copy of your business plan and include it to show that you are adhering to your budget plans.
Show evidence of your commitment to the travel industry. Present your sales records showing your achievements in selling airline tickets, hotel arrangements, individual and group tours. Enter all your sales totals into a spreadsheet and present the information in a clear and understandable format.
Prepare copies of all insurance policies covering your work as a travel agent, including errors and omissions insurance. This requirement may be waived if you have five years experience as a travel agent. If you wish to waive this insurance requirement, you must provide proof of your five years of work experience.
Pay the required accreditation fee, which is $165 if you are self-employed or work for a private agency. The fee is $360 if you work for a corporate travel department. Pay the accreditation fee in U.S. dollars.
Receive your full accreditation as a licensed IATA travel agent. Get a letter with the date you received accreditation, an official IATA Certificate of Accreditation, an IATA window decal to display at your agency, and your unique IATA numeric code, which gives you international recognition as a licensed IATA travel agent.

Documents List and Affidavit Attached with Travel Agents Licence

Documents List and Affidavit Attached with Travel Agents Licence
List of Documents Required
1. Residence Certificate
2. Birth Certificate/Matriculation Certificate
3. Voter l.D. Card/Aadhar Card/ Ration Card
4. Copy of Passport
5. Three Passport size Photographs.
6. Copy of Pan Card
7. lncome Tax Return for the last three years
8. Bank Account Statement of previous year
9. Bank Draft of Rs. 25000/- (for firms, which have been in existence for less than five years) and or of
Rs. 1,00,000 /- (For the firms, which have been in existence for more than five years),
10. Copy of the ownership of the accommodation or rent deed for three years.
1,1. Site plan of the accommodation.
12. Copy of Partnership Deed in case of Partnership Firm.
13. Copy of Partnership Deed in case of Partnership Firm (if registered).
14. Copy of certificate of the bank, in case of Proprietorship Firm.

 I..............................................................S/o........................................................................................... R/o........................................................................................................................................................
Jalandhar, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:-

1. That the deponent is Citizen of lndia.
2. That the deponent has applied for grant of license under (The Punjab Prevention of Human Smuggling
3. That the deponent was never convicted in any criminal case, not any criminal proceeding are pending
against him in any court of law till date.
4" That the deponent is of sound mind and was not ever declared as insolvent or bankrupt.
5" That the deponent does not whole any office of profit, either under the Government of lndia or any State
6. I hat the deponent has not been barred for carrying out this profession by any agency regulating this
1. That the deponent is having adequate space/accommodation as required under the act for running his
profession and the same is duly registered under the Punjab Shop & Commercial Establishment Act, 1958.
8. That the deponent is having sufficient arrangement to maintain record of his client in electronic form and
will make available soft copy of the same to the person/ client, who approaches the deponent.
9. That the deponent undertake that if he carry out his profession through authorized person, then he willget
the antecedent of such persons verified through the police of the area concerned and shall also obtain a bond
from person duly witness by two persons, who are lncome Tax Assesses.
10. That the deponent undertake to maintain the record of his client for a minimum period of five years and
will furnish the detail of the service rendered to the client on monthly basis to the competent authority with a
copy thereof State Govt. along with detail of fee charge from the said client.
11. That the deponent undertakes that in case of any advertisement or publicity w.r.t. his profession or to hold
seminar in respect thereof, he shall inform the competent authority in writing by giving complete detail or
content thereof.

Verified that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct as per the knowledge and information
received and nothing has been concealed therein.

Process to Apply for U.S.A Visitor Visa

Process to Apply for U.S.A Visitor Visa

Visitor Visa

Here are some examples of activities permitted with a visitor visa:
Collapse All
Business (B-1):
  • consult with business associates
  • attend a scientific, educational, professional, or business convention or conference
  • settle an estate
  • negotiate a contract
Learn more about Business Travel on a visitor visa.
Tourism and Visit (B-2):
  • tourism
  • vacation (holiday)
  • visit with friends or relatives
  • medical treatment
  • participation in social events hosted by fraternal, social, or service organizations
  • participation by amateurs in musical, sports, or similar events or contests, if not being paid for participating
  • enrollment in a short recreational course of study, not for credit toward a degree (for example, a two-day cooking class while on vacation)
Travel Purposes Not Permitted On Visitor Visas:
These are some examples of activities that require different categories of visas and cannot be done while on a visitor visa:
  • study
  • employment
  • paid performances, or any professional performance before a paying audience
  • arrival as a crewmember on a ship or aircraft
  • work as foreign press, radio, film, journalists, and other information media
  • permanent residence in the United States

How to Apply

There are several steps to apply for a visa. The order of these steps and how you complete them may vary at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you apply. Please consult the instructions available on the U.S. Embassy or Consulate website where you will apply.

Complete the Online Visa Application

  • Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application, Form DS-160 – Learn moreabout completing the DS-160. You must: 1) complete the online visa application and 2) print the application form confirmation page to bring to your interview.
  • Photo – You will upload your photo while completing the online Form DS-160. Your photo must be in the format explained in thePhotograph Requirements.

Schedule an Interview

While interviews are generally not required for applicants of certain ages outlined below, consular officers have the discretion to require an interview of any applicant, regardless of age.
If you are age:Then an interview is:
13 and youngerGenerally not required
14-79Required (some exceptions for renewals)
80 and olderGenerally not required
You must schedule an appointment for your visa interview, generally, at theU.S. Embassy or Consulate in the country where you live. You may schedule your interview at any U.S. Embassy or Consulate, but be aware that it may be difficult to qualify for a visa outside of your place of permanent residence. 
Wait times for interview appointments vary by location, season, and visa category, so you should apply for your visa early. Review the interview wait time for the location where you will apply: 

Appointment Wait Time

Where will you apply?

Prepare for Your Interview

  • Fees - Pay the non-refundable visa application fee, if you are required to pay it before your interview. When your visa is approved, you may also pay a visa issuance fee, if applicable to your nationality. Fee information is provided below:
Application Fee
  • Review the instructions available on the website of the embassy or consulate where you will apply to learn more about fee payment.

Gather Required Documentation

Gather and prepare the following required documents before your visa interview:
  • Passport valid for travel to the United States - Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond your period of stay in the United States (unless exempt by country-specific agreements). If more than one person is included in your passport, each person who needs a visa must submit a separate application.
  • Nonimmigrant Visa Application, Form DS-160 confirmation page
  • Application fee payment receipt, if you are required to pay before your interview.
  • Photo – You will upload your photo while completing the online Form DS-160. If the photo upload fails, you must bring one printed photo in the format explained in the Photograph Requirements.

Additional Documentation May Be Required

Review the instructions for how to apply for a visa on the website of theembassy or consulate where you will apply. Additional documents may be requested to establish if you are qualified. For example, additional requested documents may include evidence of:
  • The purpose of your trip;
  • Your intent to depart the United States after your trip; and/or
  • Your ability to pay all costs of the trip. 
Evidence of your employment and/or your family ties may be sufficient to show the purpose of your trip and your intent to return to your home country. If you cannot cover all the costs for your trip, you may show evidence that another person will cover some or all costs for your trip.

Attend Your Visa Interview

During your visa interview, a consular officer will determine whether you are qualified to receive a visa, and if so, which visa category is appropriate based on your purpose of travel. You will need to establish that you meet the requirements under U.S. law to receive the category of visa for which you are applying. 
Ink-free, digital fingerprint scans will be taken as part of your application process. They are usually taken during your interview, but this varies based on location.
After your visa interview, your application may require further administrative processing. You will be informed by the consular officer if further processing is necessary for your application.
When the visa is approved, you may pay a visa issuance fee if applicable to your nationality, and will be informed how your passport with visa will be returned to you. Review the visa processing time, to learn how soon your passport with visa will generally be ready for pick-up or delivery by the courier.

Additional Information

  • Visitors are not permitted to accept employment or work in the United States.
  • We cannot guarantee that you will be issued a visa. Do not make final travel plans or buy tickets until you have a visa.
  • Unless canceled or revoked, a visa is valid until its expiration date.  Therefore, a valid U.S. visa in an expired passport is still valid. If you have a valid visa in your expired passport, do not remove it from your expired passport. You may use your valid visa in your expired passport along with a new valid passport for travel and admission to the United States.